a) Representative and Responsible Entity of the DATA
ANTE GRUP Bilişim Ticaret Anonim Şirketi, (“ANTE GRUP”) exerts maximum sensitivity for the security of your personal data. With such consciousness, in accordance with the Law No. 6698 on Protection of Personal Data, it attaches great importance to the processing and protection of all personal data of all individuals who are associated with ANTE GRUP. Your personal data can be processed by ANTE GRUP, as the responsible entity, within the scope described below.
b) The Purposes for Processing Your Personal Data
Obtained Personal Data can be processed within the personal data processing conditions specified in Articles 5 and 6 of the Law on the Protection of Personal Data No. 6698 as explained below
Within the scope of carrying out necessary studies for the realization of the activities carried out by ANTE GRUP and the execution of the related business processes; establishment and management of infrastructures for the information technologies, planning or execution of activities for the business continuity, planning or execution of corporate communication activities, event management, execution of procurement activities, planning or execution of corporate sustainability activities,
Your Personal Data and photos will be processed and stored by ANTE GRUP in accordance with the Law on Protection of Personal Data No. 6698. Your personal data and photos can be used by ANTE GRUP in all corporate affiliation works including advertisement and promotion.
Within the scope of relevant legislation and contracts, processing of the data of employee or candidate employee and conducting internship / training program activities,
Fulfilment of other obligations as defined by the legislation which includes retention, sharing information and reporting.
Carrying out the necessary studies for the people who will benefit from the products, services and supports to be provided by ANTE GRUP and processing of personal data for the conduct of relevant business activities,
Processing of personal data within the scope of planning or execution of the necessary activities required for the customization of the products, services and supports provided by ANTE GRUP according to the preferences, usage habits and needs of the concerned people,
You can access detailed information about the purposes of processing your personal data by ANTE GRUP on the website by clicking “ANTE GRUP Personal Data Protection and Processing Policy”.
c) To Whom and For Which Purposes the Processed Personal Data Can Be Transferred
Your personal data, collected in line with the realization of the above-mentioned objectives and limited to the fulfillment of these purposes and as defined by the Articles 8 and 9 of the Personal Data Protection Law No. 6698, can be transferred to our shareholders, affiliates and subsidiaries, business partners, suppliers and authorized public institutions or third parties pursuant to the legislation, as stated by the “ANTE GRUP Personal Data Protection and Processing Policy” and can be processed at home and abroad.
ç) Methods and Legal Reason For Collecting Personal Data
Your personal data obtained through different communication channels based on different legal or commercial reasons is collected and maintained by ANTE GRUP on physical and electronic environments, , in order to benefit you, to fulfil the requirements/maintain the activities within the ANTE GRUP, or to fulfil the obligations arising from the legislation.
d) Personal Data Holder’s Rights as stated on Article 11 of the Law No. 6698
In the case that you ,as personal data owners, submit your requests regarding your rights to ANTE GRUP by means of the any methods set out in the ANTE GRUP Personal Data Protection and Processing Policy, ANTE GRUP will conclude the request free of charge as soon as possible and within thirty days at the latest, depending on the nature of the request. However, if the transaction requires a separate cost, the fee to be determined by ANTE GRUP Personal Data Protection Board will be charged. In this context, the rights of personal data owners are stated below.
a) To learn whether your personal data are processed or not;
b) And if processed, to request information regarding such processing;
c) To learn the purpose of processing and whether or not data is being processed in a way compatible with its collection purposes
d) To know the third parties to whom such data are transferred within the country or abroad,
To request for correction of your personal data if they are processed incompletely/inaccurately;
In the case that the reasons requiring the data processing disappear, to request the deletion or destruction of personal data and to notify the third parties to whom the personal data has been transferred even the data has been processed in accordance with the Law No. 6698 on the Protection of Personal Data and other relevant legislation,
To object to any results that may arise to your detriment through analysis of such data exclusively via automatic systems;
To claim for indemnification of any loss or damages that you may incur because of unlawful processing of your personal data.
e) Retention Period of Personal Data
The personal data you have shared with ANTE GRUP through the channels mentioned in this document will be stored, if the retention time is foreseen in Law No. 6698, in accordance with the Personal Data Protection Law No. 6698 and the relevant legislation. If the retention period is foreseen in the law and related legislation, after the aforementioned period has expired or if no period has been envisaged, actions to be performed are specified in the “ANTE GRUP Personal Information Retention and Destruction Policy”.
Pursuant to paragraph 1 of Article 13 of the Law on Protection of Personal Data No. 6698 titled "Application to Data Holder", you can forward your request to use your above mentioned rights to ANTE GRUP by written or other methods stated by the Personal Data Protection Board. You must submit your application to ANTE GRUP in accordance with the Personal Data Protection Law No. 6698. In this context, the channels and procedures to which you will submit your application to ANTE GRUP are explained below.
In order to use your rights above, you can submit your request, which includes your explanations regarding your right to use, in accordance with article 11 of the Personal Data Protection Law No. 6698., via e-mail to or personally to the Office of ANTE GRUP Bilişim ve Ticaret Anonim Şirketi with ample identifying documents